Snap-on polymer composite sand plate for Unichair ® Rebar Support (Patent Pending).


  • Applications: Slab on grade, insulated sandwich panel, Department of Transportation (D.O.T.), vapor barrier, poor or loosely compacted soil.
  • Heavy duty snap-in base to ensure strong fit.
  • 2 sizes available to fit all major sizes of Unichair ® Rebar Supports.
OCM Part No. Fits UnichairTM Plastic Rebar Support Sizes Weight/pcs lbs Box Qty
PHCPLATE-NEW .75-.75 to 5.25-5.75R .10 250
PHCPLATE2 6.0-6.5R to 9.25-9.75R .172 250
Comments: Meets CRSI requirements for a plastic bar support