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If you are going to rent a concrete grinder, there are some key things that you need to remember before making your decision. In this blog, we will give you a short checklist to use, to help you through your decision-making process, to make sure you’re getting what you want.


Once you’re at the stage where you are ready to pick the grinder for your project there are many options to choose from, so being well prepared with details about what results you want to achieve as you head into the rental house or dealer, is helpful for choosing the right grinder. If you are just doing general grinding of a garage for example, a single head grinder would work best for you. If budget is a concern, a hand grinder could also accomplish this at a significantly lower cost but, it is very labour intensive and much less productive.

If you are planning on polishing, we would suggest using a planetary grinder for a better, more consistent scratch pattern. Speak with someone at the rental store to see what equipment options they offer. Different rental stores or dealers may have different options to choose from, so if you’re unsure or uneasy with what they are suggesting, check out another dealer for a second opinion.


A concrete vacuum is one of the items that is most forgotten when renting grinders or other surface and site prep equipment. It is imperative that you have one for 2 main reasons:

You will be able to rent a small vacuum to attach to the grinder for a fairly low cost, and it is well worth it.

One thing to keep in mind. Not all vacuums are created equal. If you have a Shop-Vac or small jobsite vacuum at home, this will not do the trick for concrete dust. Because the dust particles are so small, it will flow right through the filter in these vacuums and out into your workspace. The silica dust will also break these vacs over time because the small particles can get into the motor and eventually turn to concrete when moisture / humidity is introduced. Having a vacuum fitted with a HEPA filter is ideal because it will protect you from inhaling dangerous silica dust. If you don’t end up getting a vac fitted with a HEPA filter, we HIGHLY suggest getting the appropriate safety masks to ensure you’re not inhaling any silica dust. The rental store should be able to help you get the appropriate safety equipment.

Finally, make sure that you find a concrete vac that has the proper electrical requirements for the job site. If you are working at your house, you will be restricted by the kind of power you can draw. The rental house will be able to help you pick a machine that functions with your power limitations.


Depending on the type of grinding that you’re doing, there are different tooling options that could go on the grinder. Three things to remember when buying tooling:

  • Know what finish or profile you’re looking to achieve.
  • How much area you are grinding.
  • The brand and model of grinder you’re renting.

Tooling has different life spans depending on the type and quality. To know how much or what you will need, will be determined by the area and surface that you are grinding and what outcome you’re trying to achieve. Also, the brand of grinder you decide on, will require a certain type of tooling. Each brand has a slightly different attachment method; some are easier than others. Make sure you either buy the branded tooling, or the rental house may have a conversion plate you can attach to the grinder to fit more economical tooling, or different styles. Again, the rental store or dealer you get your grinder from should be able to help you with this. If not, calling the equipment manufacturer is another option.


  • Be prepared with details about what you’re trying to achieve.
  • Will you be grinding and polishing?
  • Get a proper vacuum with a HEPA filter, or proper applicable safety equipment.
  • Know what your power limitations are, or at least make sure to tell the rental store if it is an at home project.
  • Get the appropriate tooling.

Now that you have your grinder rental checklist you should be all set to begin your grinding project.