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Polish Pro Cyrstallizer - Floor crystallization that requires no steel wool

This unique crystallizer has properties which allow us to achieve a durable crystallization polish with the use hogs-hair pad, hogs-hair extreme pad or a white pad. No steelwool required. Will not darken grout lines. Can be used on any 175 - 3000 RPM machine. Can be used under a hi-speed burnisher. Increases surface density and reflectivity.

Polish Pro Crystallizer Features:

• No steelwool required

• Will not darken grout

• Can be used on any 175 - 3000 rpm machine

• Can be used under a hi-speed burnisher

• Polish 600-1200 sq. ft. per hour

• Reduce labor costs by eliminating the need to clean-up steel wool fibers

• Increases surface density and reflectivity



Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Teddy Cruz
Polish Pro Crystallizer

Polish Pro Crystallizer was easy to use and it work well.
Diamond Tool Store online ordering was very easy. Delivery was quick.
Thank you